来源: 杭州师范大学外院话语中心 作者: 时间: 点击: 60
2016年7月12日,约翰内斯堡大学Keyan G Tomaselli应邀来我中心讲座,此次讲座题为‘Seeing Red’: Cultural Studies, Governmentality and Utility. Chinese Cultural Studies in a Global Context。讲座在杭州华北饭店会议室举行,由施旭教授主持。
Cultural Studies featured highly at the 2015 IAICS (International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies) and CAFIC (Chinese Association for Intercultural Communication) Hong Kong conference. Topics included Gangnam, streets, TV drama, branding and marketing and tourism. Predominant theories included translation and discourse analysis. Presenters explicitly or implicitly applying these theories and cultural studies tended to take the field and their methods for granted, and carved intricate theorized readings of their respective topics.
Cultural studies (CS), however, can mean all things to all people and be applied to anything. Univaaersality is indeed one of its strengths but this ubiquity and utility is also its weakness. In contrast, cross- and inter-cultural approaches tend to be much more fixed, applying orthodox methodologies to address clearly identified research questions, in familiar scientific ways that offer guidelines to inter-cultural and cross-cultural interaction. That’s why such studies travel so well, as was indicated in so many of the papers presented at the 2015 conference.