Source: the outer court discourse center of hangzhou normal university Author: PublishDate:2017-01-10 00:00:00 Click:325
The 5th International Conference on Multicultural Discourses,Nov 29-Dec 01, 2016, S?o Paulo, BrazilThe 5th International Conference on Multicultural Discourses“Multi - Inter - or Trans - cultural Communication: Reflections”Nov 29-Dec 01, 2016, S?o Paulo, BrazilUniversity of S?o Paulo; S?o Paulo-Brazil and Hangzhou Normal University; Zhejiang University; ChinaINTRODUCTIONFollowing the past and continuing successes of the tri-annual International Conference on Multicultural Discourses in 2004, 2007, 2010, and 2013, respectively, the Fifth will be held from Nov 29-Dec 01 (Tuesday-Thursday) 2016, in S?o Paulo, Brazil. It will be co-organized by the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of S?o Paulo, the Centre for Discourse & Cultural Studies of Hangzhou Normal University, and the Institute of Discourse & Cultural Studies of Zhejiang University. The coming Conference will be devoted to the following themes and domains of study: ? New developments in cultural approaches to communication and education? Development, internationalization and policy ? Communication studies and multicultural issues? Discourses of peace and cooperation? New media discourses? New media and education? Discourses of the environment? Literacies and education? Language, culture and educationPRESENTATION FORMAT? parallel sessions? plenary speechesA selection of proposals will be made for plenary speeches based on the quality, relevance and international balance of topics. SUBMISSIONThe deadline for submission of an abstract (ca 500 words), is Jan 20 2016. Letters of acceptance will be sent out by March 21 2016. Submissions and enquiries should be directed to: multiculturaldiscourses@gmail.comCONFERENCE FEE (payable on site, students: 50% discount)Regular fee: US$120 - R$350,00Students, retired and unwaged: US$60 - R$ 175,00PUBLICATIONSPapers of high-quality and cultural innovation will be peer-reviewed and selected for publication in the Journal of Multicultural Discourses. ( ) In addition, a selection of the conference papers will be published with an international publisher.CONFERENCE SECRETARIATS?o Paulo OfficeProjeto Letramentos: Linguagem, Cultura, Tecnologia e Educa??o Dr. Walkyria Monte MórProfessor Lynn Mario T Menezes de SouzaUniversity of S?o PauloAv. Prof Luciano Gualberto, 403 S?o Paulo - SP – BrazilE-mail: multiculturaldiscourses@gmail.comHangzhou Office:Dr Shi-xuXIE Xiuting Centre for Discourse & Cultural Studies Rm 19-201, 58 Haishu Rd, Cangqian, Yuhang District Hangzhou Normal UniversityHangzhou, P.R. China 311121Tel/Fax. ++86.(0)571.28867576e-mail: Note: For accommodation and travel information, please visit our website: www.multiculturaldiscoursesconf.comCONFERENCE ORGANIZERS? Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH), University of S?o Paulo, Brazil? Project on Literacies: Language, Culture, Technology and Education, Brazil? Research Group: Transculturality, Language and Education (ANPOLL-Brazilian National Association of Post Graduate Studies in Linguistics and Literature)? Centre for Discourse & Cultural Studies Hangzhou Normal University? Centre for Contemporary Chinese Discourse Studies? Zhejiang University CONFERENCE WEBSITESIn Brazil: www.multiculturaldiscoursesconf.comIn China |